We started with six Kokua from Pennsylvania. They were in Kona for about three weeks and I got to work with them and start laying cables.

There are all sorts of opportunities to serve in Kona. Check out https://kokuacrew.org/.

Even at an international level, go and have a look at https://www.missionbuilders.org/
As of August 2020 things are opening up and there are places you can go and serve.

We are also starting a program for travelers to fine interesting people doing interesting things anywhere in the world. https://kokua.family. This is a Kingdom of God program. Are you a Farm, Family, YWAM location, body of Jesus, Group or any place and people that want to host travelers? Come and join https://kokua.family, create your Ohana, and advertise yourself. Are you a traveler? Join https://kokua.family and set up your Kokua profile, search the world for people to walk and work with.