aiProfile: Super Admin.

aiProfile is very powerful.

This is where you can change the way this plugin behaves.
In this website aiProfile is being used to manage the digital library, and TechSoup registrations that we manage.


Using aiprofile for a COuntry

Your YWAM country will have YWAM Bases or Locations.

Your Locations will have Schools, Ministires and maybe even sub-Locations.



For your School

Someone can come to your website.

Go to your Registration page.

Sign up for the first part of the registration:

  1. First Name
  2. Last Name
  3. Email
  4. Cell
  5. Gender
  6. And what they are wanting to register for.

You could test this right now by going to this link, and Signing up for the Digital Library that this website manages.

You will have received an email with your username and password.


I've got a question.

Feel free to contact me.



UofN Digital Library

Check us out for the Digital Library.

People: Patrons.

Locations: UofN Digital Library.

Registrations: Subscription. 



Using aiprofile for your location.

You have Schools and Ministries.
Students and Staff.

Registrations for all the above and a need to mange information across all these areas.

aiProfile helps you do this at an administrative level and at a student/staff level. 


Manage your Account

When you have registered, you get a login to this site or your site if you are using our plugin on your hosted WordPress website.

At any time, you can come back to this site by going to this link and logging in with the username and password we set up for your account.

You will have received an email with these details when you sign up.


Manage aiProfile your way

You may have special needs that we have not considered. We have written aiProfile so you can adapt it to your needs.



You can create new Types and Categories of People, Locations, and Registrations.
Turn aiProfile into a transportation system with Drivers, Vehicles, and Trips.



People: Buiding Managers & Repairmen.

Locations: Buildings, Apartments, and Rooms.

Registrations: Repairs



People: Managers & Clients.

Locations: Buildings, Apartments, and Rooms.

Registrations: Bookings

YWAM Websites

We manage website for YWAM locations.


  • We host WordPress websites inside our Google Server.
  • We have full control and access, so you can be sure that when you talk to us, you will receive the highest level of support possible.
  • Contact us for pricing.


  • With our hosted websites, we offer access to our seminars.
  • There are six seminars to help you become a webmaster.
  • We also offer one-on-one training. 
  • Both of these are provided free to you as a YWAMer seeing to become a Webmaster.


  • We can help you develop your YWAM website.
  • Base or Personal.
  • We can take your ideas and develop them into a functioning and time-saving interface for all you do.

Website Examples